Monday, November 10, 2008

What is your Brand?

I recently heard the following conversation in CNN after the US presidential poll results.

Reporter: When I ask my 4 year old son and 9 year old son on what Obama stand for, both mentioned "Change". When i asked them what McCain Stood for, they didn't have any answer. They did not know. Even i do not know"

This struck a chord in me... Obama was repeatedly conveying a message in simple term, that people could relate to. That word meant Miracle in Work.

What can banks and insurance companies learn from this episode? Its Brand message in simple words. If i ask your customer, what your bank stands for, do they have a simple word to explain, instead of blinking or telling a long story. Can they say "My friend in need" or 'Advisor" or "My Pal". If they can't say something, you say it repeatedly in your messages and then they will repeat it. That's what Obama did. He kept saying Change. Now people say he stands for Change. We will wait and see what Change he brings in. Are they real changes or just minor aberrations that will be dissolved over time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good one. Btw, at this rate, Oxford Dictionary will give the synonym (hopefully!!! - only time will tell whether it can fit as a synonym or antonym) for the word 'Change' as Obama.